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关于SD05C这颗热销物料,杭州东沃电子每天总是能够收到五湖四海客户的咨询和问题。查看东沃电子ESD-SD05C Datasheet可知:
The SD05C is designed to replace multilayer varistors in portable applications such as cell phones, notebook computers and PDA’s, using monolithic silicon technology to provide fast response time and ultra low ESD clamping voltage, making this device an ideal solu-tion for protecting sensitive semiconductor components from damage. The SD05C complies with the IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD)standard with ±15kV air and ±8kV contact discharge. The SD05C is assembled into a lead-free SOD-323 package and will protect one unidi-rectional line. These devices will fit on the same PCB pad area as an 0805 MLV device.
* 封装:SOD-323
* Packaging:3000/Tape & Reel
SD05CA瞬态电压抑制器广泛应用于蜂窝手机和配件、笔记本电脑、手持设备、便携式仪器、外围设备、寻呼机外围设备、服务器等。关于SD05CA瞬态电压抑制器具体应用方案图,可咨询东沃电子技术人员,关于TVS二极管抑制器SD05CA价格、样品、现货、交期等方面的问题,可咨询东沃电子产品经理:136 7581 6901(微信同号)朱经理 www.dowosemi.cn
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